Caddoan$544472$ - significado y definición. Qué es Caddoan$544472$
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Qué (quién) es Caddoan$544472$ - definición

Caddoan; Caddoan language; Caddoan language family; ISO 639:cdd

¦ noun
1. a member of a group of American Indian peoples formerly inhabiting the Midwest.
2. the family of languages spoken by the Caddoans, which includes Pawnee, now all virtually extinct.
¦ adjective relating to the Caddoans or their languages.
from Caddo (a Caddoan lang.) kaduhdacu, denoting a band belonging to this group, + -an.
Caddoan languages         
The Caddoan languages are a family of languages native to the Great Plains spoken by tribal groups of the central United States, from present-day North Dakota south to Oklahoma. All Caddoan languages are critically endangered, as the number of speakers has declined markedly due to colonial legacy, lack of support, and other factors.


Caddoan languages

The Caddoan languages are a family of languages native to the Great Plains spoken by tribal groups of the central United States, from present-day North Dakota south to Oklahoma. All Caddoan languages are critically endangered, as the number of speakers has declined markedly due to colonial legacy, lack of support, and other factors.